A photo of Ally Dench

Ally Dench

Ally Dench is a collaboration enthusiast and currently heads up the Western Sydney Health Alliance, a partnership across 8 Councils, 2 Local Health Districts and 2 Primary Health Networks.

Ally has over 30 years’ experience across all levels of government and non-government sectors ranging from a direct care worker through to Executive Director’s roles.

With a passion for integrated service planning that brings together different perspectives and having been a major driver for Local Governments contribution in the development and delivery of the Western Sydney City Deal, Ally’s strengths-based attitude has shaped, nurtured, and led successful teams that have driven and implemented key strategic initiatives.

A human-centered focus and a desire to develop the capacity and capability of local government drives her passion. Ally believes “what you do matters,” and by working together in a collaborative partnership approach, ideas will be leveraged, and amazing outcomes will be delivered for our communities.
