A photo of Pierre Comis

Pierre Comis

Pierre is the CEO at Special Olympics Australia, a Director of the Australian Sporting Alliance for People with Disability, Chair of the Bluearth Foundation, and Co-Chair of the Physical Literacy Special Interest Group at the Asia Pacific Society for Physical Activity.

He has 20 years’ experience growing participation for all Australians, having worked at the AFL, NRL and the Australian Sports Commission. There, he was instrumental in the design of Sporting Schools, led the National Participation team, and drove the Physical Literacy agenda, influencing sport and physical activity policy across the sport, health and education sectors.

As a father of three young children, Pierre is dedicated to achieving generational change – he remains passionate about getting a country moving by improving levels of physical literacy in our children and youth, driving inclusive sport outcomes, and putting all Australians on the path to a more active, healthy and fulfilling life.
