Rebecca Reynolds

Rebecca Reynolds holds a Bachelor of Business and Commerce (Honours) in Sports Management and Marketing from Western Sydney University. Rebecca currently serves as the Recreation Development Officer at the City of Parramatta Council. In this role, and in partnership with a range of internal and external stakeholders, she is responsible for planning, organising, and delivering the largest free school holiday program in NSW, which aims to encourage children and young people to be more active more often. Additionally, she is a strong advocate for women in sports and delivers Council's annual Celebrating Girls in Sport Festival, designed to inspire and encourage young women to engage in sports and recreation, both on and off the field.

With six years of experience in local government, Rebecca previously worked at Cumberland City Council, where she lead the development and design of the Healthy Kids Initiative Program for primary and secondary students. This initiative received recognition at the 2021 Australian Sport, Recreation and Play Innovation Awards, winning in the Programs, Activities, and Events category.

Prior to her tenure in local government, Rebecca gained valuable experience at Water Polo Australia, the Macquarie University Sport and Aquatics Centre, the Australian Sports Commission, and Cycling Australia. These experiences ultimately helped develop a solid foundation for her commitment to promoting active lifestyles within the City of Parramatta LGA.
