Silver Partner
Silver Partner 〰️
Western Sydney Health Alliance
The Western Sydney Health Alliance is a commitment and partnership across three tiers of government, working collaboratively to create healthy communities across the Western Parkland City, covering an area of more than eight thousand square kilometres or two-thirds of Greater Sydney.
The Partnership comprises of:
the 8 Parkland Councils of Blue Mountains, Camden, Campbelltown, Fairfield, Hawkesbury, Liverpool, Penrith and Wollondilly, and
the Local Health Districts of South West Sydney and Nepean Blue Mountains, and
the Primary Health Networks of South West Sydney and Nepean Blue Mountains, and
Sector Connect
Our purpose is to drive commitment and effective collaboration between all members to maximise improved health outcomes of the Western Parkland City. These outcomes include improved access to health and wellbeing services, improved liveability and connections and healthy lifestyles.